Important Tips About Flossing with Dental Implants

April 8, 2023

a woman flossing dental implants in Jacksonville

If you’re struggling with moderate to severe tooth loss, dental implants can offer the most comprehensive and lifelike solution. These titanium posts can rebuild your pearly whites from the roots up, providing stable and long-lasting results. To make the most of them, you’ll need to implement a solid oral hygiene routine, which should include flossing your dental implants. Read on to learn what you should know about this cleaning technique and additional ways to maintain your brand-new smile.

The Importance of Flossing with Dental Implants

Although brushing is essential for preserving good oral health, this will only clean around 60% of the surface of your teeth. Without flossing, you might allow food particles, bacteria, and plaque to collect in the hard-to-reach areas where toothbrush bristles can’t access. If left unchecked, this can result in a higher risk of oral health issues like dental decay or severe gum disease. Dental implants rely on healthy gums and jawbone tissue to remain stable, so you’ll need to floss every day to ensure they’re successful and infection-free.

What To Know When Flossing with Dental Implants

While your implants will look and function like permanent teeth, there will be some differences when it’s time to floss. For your natural pearly whites, the periodontal ligament will usually signal when you’ve pushed the strand against your gum tissue too forcefully. When you have dental implants, you’ll need to remember that they’ll connect to a weaker seal (a peri-implant seal). This component does not consist of the same nerves as the periodontal ligament, so you’ll have to be careful when flossing underneath the gum line. Be sure to consult your dentist about the proper technique for cleaning your implants before and after your procedure.

6 Extra Tips for Preserving Your Dental Implants

Flossing is incredibly important for maintaining your dental implants, but it isn’t the only method to consider. Here are several additional tips on caring for the short and long-term success of your restorations:

  • Brush twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Reduce your sugar intake from foods and drinks (like sodas and candy)
  • Drink lots of water
  • Keep a well-balanced, vitamin-rich diet
  • Avoid hard foods and poor oral habits, like smoking
  • Schedule dental checkups and cleanings every six months

With dental implants, you’ll be able to fully renew your smile, restore your natural biting power, and preserve a more youthful jawbone. Be sure to floss properly every day, and you should make the most of your restorations for many years to come!

About the Author

Dr. Ryan Johnson earned his dental degree from the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine. He regularly seeks continuing education to expand his expertise and is a proud member of the Academy of General Dentistry. He provides a wide variety of high-quality and all-inclusive services, including dental implants. If you’d like to know more about flossing with dental implants, visit his website or call him at 904-281-2566.