What Should I Do If My Dental Implant Feels Loose?

April 14, 2023

man looking in mirror at his loose dental implant in Jacksonville

With a success rate of well over 95% and the potential to last for a lifetime, dental implants are by far the superior way to replace missing teeth. That said, there is still a miniscule chance that your implant could fail. One common sign of this is a feeling of looseness around your implant. However, just because you have a loose dental implant in Jacksonville doesn’t necessarily mean the implant will fail. Here’s what you need to know about why a dental implant might loosen and how you should handle the situation.

Why Is My Dental Implant Loose?

A dental implant could come loose for many possible reasons, but the two most common are:

  • Osseointegration failure – Once your implant posts are placed in your jaw, they naturally begin to grow attached to the surrounding bone tissue. This process, called osseointegration, is the key to the stability and longevity of your new teeth. However, osseointegration can take up to six months. If your implant or jawbone is disturbed during this time, the implant might be unable to form a proper bond.
  • Infection – After osseointegration is complete, the most common reason why dental implants fail is a form of gum disease known as peri-implantitis. Without treatment, bacteria could damage the gum and bone tissue that surround and support your implants, ultimately causing them to loosen and fail.

How to Handle a Loose Dental Implant

If you feel any looseness near your dental implant, however small, your top priority should be to call your dentist. Treat the situation as a dental emergency, because it is; you could end up losing your implant altogether if you don’t get the care that you need quickly enough! The sooner you can get an appointment with your dentist, the more likely they are to be able to save your replacement tooth.

In some cases, it may not be the implant post itself that is loose, but rather the crown that is secured on top. All this would require is for your dentist to tighten or reattach the crown into place. If the problem lies with the actual implant, they might need to have it removed and replaced entirely. However, if you can get seen promptly enough, they may be able to treat the area surrounding the implant without taking out the post itself. Either way, avoid placing pressure on your implant until your appointment; chew with the opposite side of your mouth.

When even the slightest problem occurs with your dental implant, especially looseness, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Calling your dentist as soon as possible increases the chance of maintaining your healthy, complete smile!

About the Authors

At Jacksonville Dental Excellence, Dr. Ryan Johnson and Dr. Richard Stevenson can provide start-to-finish dental implant care under one roof. With their advanced training and same-day emergency appointments, they’ll do everything they can to treat your loose dental implant in Jacksonville, FL as soon as possible. If you need urgent help with your dental implants, contact their office at 904-895-4536.