Uncorking the Revelry: Keep Your Smile Bright Despite Holiday Wine

December 20, 2023

Friends enjoying holiday wine during their feast

The holiday season often brings joy, laughter, and gatherings filled with delicious food and, of course, festive drinks. While a glass of red holiday wine can be a warm and delightful addition to your celebration, it can also leave behind unwanted stains on your teeth.

Fear not! Continue reading to learn how to enjoy your wine without compromising the brightness of your smile.

Brush Your Teeth Before You Imbibe

Before indulging in red wine, brush your teeth! Brushing your pearly whites 30 minutes before drinking wine will decrease the size of the micro-pores in your tooth enamel. This makes it harder for the dark pigments in your festive beverage to stick to your teeth. It also creates a slight shield against the wine’s acidity.

Sip Water Throughout

Water is your best friend throughout the holidays. As long as you have water to sip while you eat, drink, and be merry, the impact of food and drink will be lessened. Water is a natural solvent, washing away debris, bacteria, acid, and pigments. As you drink your wine, sip on some friendly H20 as well.

Choose White Wine Over Red

While neither wine is better for your teeth, white wine contains far fewer staining agents than red wine does. This means that you can indulge guilt-free as far as staining goes.

Time Your Holiday Wine Indulgences

If you’re going to drink wine, try to have it during meals. Chewing on other food while you sip, especially fruits and vegetables like carrots, celery, apples, or broccoli will cleanse your teeth as you chow down. Cheese is also excellent as it can coat your teeth and neutralize acids.

By incorporating these tips into your gatherings with friends and family, it’ll be easy to enjoy your red wine without compromising your smile. If you put effort into your planning and you still come away with red-stained teeth, contact your dentist. They’ll be there when you’re ready for a professional cleaning, or a teeth whitening treatment. Enjoy your holiday wine in moderation and have a happy holiday!

About the Author

Dr. Ryan Johnson is a passionate dentist who loves restoring smiles and helping his patients meet their smile goals. He graduated with his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine and has been loving life since then; helping people and working with his hands. Before the holidays dominate your schedule, step into the office. Call (904) 895-4536 to schedule an appointment at Jacksonville Dental Excellence or visit the website to explore their services.